Saturday, August 27, 2011

What Profit?

Mark 8:36
"For what will profit a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his won soul?

The lyrics to a Caedman's Call song "This world" immediately came to mind:

This world has nothing for me,
and this world has everything,
All that I could want
And nothing that I need

This verse doesn't say gaining some of the world, it says the whole world.  Jesus when He was tempted was shown cities and all the great things in them.  Yet He knew they were nothing compared to heaven.  The price for the things of this world is giving up your soul.  pretty scary that there is no middle ground or negotiating.  Sadly, how many people, christians included do gain the world and give up that which is most important?

Application - The verse "The world and its desires will pass away, but the man who does the will of God will live forever." Thankfully, the Lord gives us an alternative.  Do the will of God, forsake the things of this world.  Of course like all these verses in Mark 8 - much easier said than done.  Daily I need to ask myself - do I want to live for the world and at what cost, or di O want heaven with a future reward?

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