Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Love, Abhor, Cling

Romans 12:9
"Let love be without hypocrisy, abhor what is evil, cling to what is good"

Verses 1 and 2 of this passage really set up the rest of the chapter.  "offer your bodies as living sacrifices, not conform to this world...."  Then Paul goes into all the practical ways to do this. Don't be fake, hate evil, cling to good.  These are simple commands but hard to really live up to.  What really speaks to me are the second parts to this verse - abhor what is evil.  Some evil things are easy abhor, but most are not.  They are tempting, seductive, and sometimes appealing.  Cling to what is good - that's not always the easy way to go, and most of the time I am too lazy, not interested, and don't want to sacrifice my selfish desires to do what is right.  So how do I overcome this?  How do I live up to this standard 100% of the time?  I can't and it is against my flesh and natural self.

Application - So if it is against myself to live to this standard, the one thing I know is that the renewing of my mind comes through scripture.  It is a daily standard to live up to, so daily I will continue in the word.  I will also ask God daily to help me love sincerely, abhor evil and cling to good.

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