Wednesday, August 31, 2011


Romans 12:12
"rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation, continuing steadfastly in prayer"

I have hope.  Is this a head knowledge or is it something that explodes out of me in worship to God who gave me hope.  And is it something that others see or I even talk about.  My attitude of hope sets up the rest of this verse.  If I am going through tribulation my attitude should be to compare it to the hope I have in Christ and eternity so it can't be that bad.  But also my hope should compel me into prayer to know the one who graciously gave me the gift of that hope.  What kind of God would give me His everything, forgive my everything and change my everything.  I should steadfastly pray to Him.

My application from this is to rejoice in worship to God, but really before I can continue steadfastly in prayer, I need to be steadfastly in prayer.  More time in prayer daily.

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