Saturday, August 27, 2011

Exchanging my soul

Mark 8:37
"Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul?"

This seems like the same question from vs. 36.  But the wording makes you think of a normal business exchange.  One would give up his soul, but in exchange for what?  I think this is talking about people compromising.  So it means that other people in the world want our soul.  how bad to humans want things of this world?
- Instead of going to church each Sunday, I'll play in extra sports tournaments to make the next level.
- I will give you my irginity if you will love me
- I will lie on my taxes if you give me a little more back.
- I will watch a little more TV for a little more escapism.
Satan is right there ready to deal.  He has all kinds of empty pleasures, distractions, and promises ready to exchange part of our soul.

Application - I need to have my guard up.  I can't forget the standard that God has called me to.  I must strive for the finish line with all of my soul and never compromise.  Each time I compromise (tv, time, sports) any of God's standard for something that pleases me is giving up part of my soul.

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