Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Put off the old self

Ephesians 4:22
"that you have put off, concerning your former conduct, the old man, which grows corrupt according to the deceitful lusts"

Weird verse break, verse 21 says we have heard Him and been taught by Him - and that we have put off the old man.  My mind starts thinking about why there is a constant struggle between good and bad, old and new.  God didn't create me and man to ever have to put off the old man and our former conduct, but we have to now.  This is a consequence of our choices and sin that we have put in our lives. So to follow a Holy, Pure, Perfect God, we have to follow by His rules of the game.  If we don't, the consequences of our own sinful choices would lead to a further path of destruction which is more corrupt being led by deceitful lusts.  I wish this was as easy as changing my clothes, take off the dirty clothes, put on the clean ones.

Application - I can't do this by myself.  I need God to do this for me - through His word and Holy Spirit, washing and purifying me daily.  I will continue in His word daily and start my day with His word.

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