Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Kindly affectionate

Romans 12:10
"Be kindly affectionate to one another with brotherly love, in honor giving preference to one another"

This verse if fully about the second greatest commandment by Jesus - to love others.  So it says to love others, to be kindly affectionate to others - that is kind of weird for me as a guy.  I can be affectionate to my wife and kids, but to other guys?  I guess this makes sense though because Jesus radically changed things when He came on the scene, so it needs to be done.  Something definitely out of my comfort zone.  I think back to Jesus' final charge to the disciples before he went to the cross.  "A new command I give you - love one another, this is how the world will know you are my followers"  So the best way to witness to this sad, mean world is not through a apologetics, but by loving others and putting them first.

Application - I need to not just sit back and let others go first.  I need to look for ways to put others ahead of me.  I need to be kindly affectionate to others, no matter how weird it is to me.

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