Monday, August 15, 2011

"I'll pray for you"

Acts 12:5
"Peter was therefor kept in prison but constant prayer was offered to God for him by the church."

"I'll pray for you" How often do we hear that, or say that ourselves.  I say it too flipantly sometimes myself.  Peter was obviously stuck in a tight spot and needed prayer.  Did the church send him a message and say "we'll pray for you" and then go off to their church function for the night?  No, they were constantly praying for him.  The battle lines had been drawn.  God was using Herod to reveal to the church, yet again, His power and all that He has at His disposal.

Application - I too am in a battle.  The world and satan want to bring me down.  My family, friends, supporters, fellow interns, teachers, and leaders are in a battle and satan wants to bring them all down.  But God wants to reveal His power.  I say I pray for others, but I don't pray for others with urgency like they're in jail or in a battle.  I don't sacrifice time or sleep to pray for others.  I need to and am committing to an extra 15 min each morning to specifically pray for family, friends, interns, teachers, and the persecuted church.  God help me with this.  May it also be constant prayer throughout the day 1 Thes 5:17.

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