Monday, August 15, 2011

Too comfortable?

Acts 12:7
"Now behold, an angel of the Lord stood by him, and a light shone in the prison; and he struck Peter on the side and raised him up saying "Arise quickly!" and his chains fell of his hands.

There was nothing Peter could have done to get out of the jam he was in.  With the amount of soldiers around him, he couldn't possibly break out.  With Herod gaining momentum with this persecution, he was only going to do more, so a miracle had to happen.  How great is it that God gave Peter such a peace that he slept so soundly that when  light ( a holy light) physically shone in the prison that he didn't wake up.  He was so at peace and sleeping so soundly an angel had to strike him.  We only read of angels using deadly force to strike people.  And even at this point, he was still in a bit of a stupor.  Peter then had to blindly follow this angel.

Application - Are there times when I am so comfortable or at peace that I wouldn't hear God speaking to me?  Or that I won't move?  Will God have to strike me to get my attention?  I hope not because I am afraid striking would probably mean taking something from me that I feel is important to me.  Is there anything in this world that I am gaining comfort from that I am not willing to have taken away to get my attention?  I need to surrender it all daily - finances, thoughts, sin, my family.

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