Sunday, August 7, 2011

Beginning with the Scripture

Acts 8:35
"The unique thing about this verse is that they Eunuch could kind of understand what was going on in this passage.  He knew that something big had happened to this man.  But didn't know who it was.  He wanted to know who he was.  He knew it was scripture, but it was a tough message.  Earlier, he had read in Isaiah 53 that this man was despised and rejected.  A man of sorrows, burdened with our grief and carried our sorrows, smitten by God, wounded for our sins, bruised, chastised.  Then he read vs 7-8, but the rest of the good news he is about to read in vs 12 that he died, bore our sins and made intercession for the transgressor - that is you and me.  Philip just had to keep this guy reading and fill in the blanks that a few weeks ago, Jesus died on the cross to bear his sins and make intercession.  He was the final sacrifice.

Application - I know this passage speaks of Philip being used by the Holy Spirit to witness to this Eunuch.  But God spoke to me about how detailed this prophecy was and how it was fulfilled - all of it.  It doesn't say only that Jesus died for my sins.  it describes a brutal, painful flogging, but also the emotional peice of how a Holy God who has never sinned, took my horrible, wicked sins upon himself and I rejected him.  Yet, Isaiah 53:11 says that it pleased the Lord to do this.  Yes, God had to do all of this, but He wanted to, chose to hurt and crucify Jesus for me.  I must never forget this, must have it be at the tip of my tongue whenever I open my mouth (like Philip) and share this awesome message.

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