Sunday, July 31, 2011

Sticking with the Gospel

Acts 7:57
"Then they cried out with a loud voice, stopped their ears and ran at him with one accord"

My eight year old has done this, covered his ears, because he knew he was in trouble and didn't want to hear what was coming....punishment.  These pharisees were either so self righteous, or so guilty they could hear no more.  Not only could they hear no more, they had to destroy the speaker that was condemning them.  It's amazing that they couldn't drown it out.  They couldn't plug their ears to hear, so they had to completely destroy with rage the messenger.

Application - I feel God is telling me that no matter what, stick with the gospel.  Don't ever water it down, don't be afraid to offend someone, the message alone is offensive enough.  I shouldn't go around trying to bloody noses, the gospel will do that.  People will get mad at it, people with reject it, people will get offended because it is their sin that separated them from heaven and they can't be good enough.  tolerant enough, or do enough to get it back.  Stick with the simple message that God sent His son to save man from his sin.

"Look, God"

Acts 7:56
"and said "Look! I see the heavens opened up and the Son of Man standing at the right hand of God!"

It's interesting to see that Stephen is now at a whole new level that what has always been.  Up until this time, God only existed to the Sanhedrin as words on a paper and through sacrifices, and through man made traditions.  The author of Acts see that Stephen saw heaven open up.  But Stephen sees it and in his excitement declares something that humans weren't allowed to see (God) and live.  So just as they did with Jesus, the religious leaders took spiritual justice into their own hands.  They were the religious authority and what they say goes and people had to follow.  Not some random uneducated guy that opposed them.  Not only did he oppose them, insult them, and accuse them, he now verbally claims to see God.  And he wants them to see what he did.

Application - In the face of persecution, do I say "Look! God!"? Do I still want to point people to Christ? Do I want them saved? Or do I just want to win the argument?  I must continually hold fast to my beliefs and make sure my motives are to have all men see Jesus.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Jesus Standing

Acts 7:55
"But he, being full of the Holy Spirit, gazed into heaven and saw the glory of God and Jesus standing at the right hand of God."

A lot of people claim to have seen heaven - like during a heart attack, or even Paul or John have seen a glimpse or vision of heaven.  But I think in this case there is a qualifier - being full of the Holy Spirit.  Stephen didn't get a glimpse, heaven was opened up to him and he gazed.  Like a human gazes at stars, or a newborns face, or me at my wife sleeping.  Another thing that jumps out at me is that Jesus is standing, not sitting like in Hebrews 1:3.  What would make God, the Son of God stand?  I get all excited at a a sporting event when something great is about to a happen - a goal is about to be scored.  I can see just fine from my seat, but in excitement and anticipation, I stand and either cheer wildly or sit in disappointment.

I might be going too far with this, but I feel that Jesus gets out of His seat, His throne each time I do something that honors Him.  My motivation is gratitude, but I want to keep Him standing.  Jesus was excited in anticipation with Stephen's faithfulness.  They were gazing at each other and Jesus was also anticipating one of His faithful servants coming home for good with the words "well done my good and faithful servant."  I need to daily gaze into heaven in the book in front of me and seek to get Jesus out of His seat as much as possible.

Teeth Gnashing

Acts 7:54
"When they heard these things they were cut to the heart and they gnashed at him with their teeth"

What did they hear that made them all mad? vs. 51-53
  • Stiff necked people
  • Uncircumcised hearts and ears
  • Resist Holy Spirit and God - as did their fathers
  • Fathers persecuted all prophets
  • Fathers killed those who foretold of Jesus - the Righteous One
  • Betrayers and murderers of the Righteous One
  • Heard the truth and did not keep it
Stephen name called and offended them.  They missed it and put their own agenda ahead of the truth of Jesus and the message that was told them by the angels.  Stephen had to stand up for the truth.  He shared 50 verses of things that they agreed with.  it was what they wanted to hear.  Then the 3 verses that hit home.  They did the same that they did with Jesus.  They were so lost that their only response was rage.

Application - Do I share a message that would offend and enrage people like this?  I think of someone close to us who only a few months ago openly made fun of, looked down on, and was sarcastic publicly about mine and Karen's faith.  But we never changed our beliefs, and showed the love of God to her in a huge time of need and she is no a believer.  I guess she wasn't at the point of throwing stones at us, but she was sure gnashing her know it all cynical teeth at us.  I am not perfect, but unwavering from what we believe in and sharing God's love when needed will be used by God.  I look back now at my bad attitude toward her and am ashamed at my heart toward her when Jesus was working on her and saving her.  My attitude needs to be on love and compassion toward all people...especially if they are lost.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Eating for the food?

Acts 2:46
"So continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, they ate their food with gladness and simplicity of heart"

These verses continue to speak to me about the effort and commitment the early church made to being with each other.  It was radical what they were doing, and little did they know, they were rewriting the course of history.  This wasn't a once a week thing of them getting together, they did it daily, it was habit to them.  And not only did they meet and eat together, they daily took turns hosting the fellowship.  The food wasn't the object or priority as a need, because their attitude was gladness and simplicity - they wanted the fellowship more than the food.

Application - I love to go out to eat and try and experience new foods.  I have been blessed to some very exquisite meals and dining experiences.  And I do remember enjoying them.  But the ones that I remember the best or crave to have again weren't the all you can eat ribs, but the best friends that I was with.  I don't remember what I ate at my wedding, I just remember how stoked I was that I was next to my beautiful new bride.  Meals and dinners should be about people, conversations, and laughter....not the food.  My purpose for meals should be about the people I am with.

Sacrificing for others

Acts 2:45
"And sold their possessions and goods, and divided them among all, as anyone had need"

What would drive someone to sell possessions (even though it doesn't say all possessions) and give to others?  The common Spirit that they all received at pentecost and now share the obvious answer.  But I feel that they were all now infused with a new kind of love that Jesus commanded them before He went to the cross.  That this is how the world will know they are His disciples, if you love one another.  I used to read this verse lightly and thing that they all sold all they had and put it into a pot and shared from it.  But it shows that the believers saw need and realized that extra possessions or even personal sacrifice would meet another persons need.  Do we see that in our world today?

Application - the fact that me and my family are here in Montana preparing for the mission field right now are because people are making sacrifices so we can live on "faith based support."  How dare I ever selfishly hold back and not do the same.  In a few short months we will be in a place where there will be great need.  And not only with believers as this text alludes to.  I need to freely give...even if it means a little, or great, sacrifice on my part. I have the same Spirit and love as the believers in the first church, I need to act like they did.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Things in Common

Acts 2:44
"Now all who believed were together and had all things in common"

The new believers clung to each other, they shared this new common interest at a level that had never been seen before.  They were no longer just Jews by association or by birth. They had seen and believed the fulfillment of the prophesied Messiah an it changed them.  This means that all of their lives revolved around their new faith.  It was everything to them.  This was something only they shared with believers.  No one else had this community.  Why did their faith bring them to this level of passion and commitment to one another?

Application - Why don't we see this in our world / church today?  I love to talk about sports and in particular hockey - Flyer's hockey with anyone that shares this interest.  It is what we have in common.  I should have this same level of passion and interest others who have also been redeemed by the King who sacrificed His Son for my sins....not a hockey team.  "Lord, please show me how to practically live this out with other believers and my family"


Acts 2:43
"Then fear came upon every soul, and many wonders and signs were done through the apostles"

Fear came upon them  - a Holy deep respect for who it was that they were following in worship and prayer - the one they now placed their full trust and faith.
This could only happen because of vs. 42:
  • continuing in the teaching and doctrine
  • breaking of bread
  • fellowship
  • prayer
Every soul- all had fear - there was no room for the nominal
Wonders and signs - same as Jesus?
What were the wonders and signs that were done? They had to be the same wonders and signs of Jesus because they were done by the apostles - to be an apostle, one had to see and follow Jesus - they saw the wonders and signs of Jesus
Many - there were probably many needs that were needed.

So What? What does this mean to me and for me?
  • Am I living like vs 42?
  • Do I have the fear that they did?
  • Have I walked with Jesus to know what He did and the let the same Spirit do the same signs and wonders
  • I have the same Spirit - do it then.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Me and the early church

Acts 2:42
"And they continued steadfastly in the apostles' doctrine and fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in prayer"

  • Even though they were all new at it, they clung closely to what they knew as truth and what they were taught
  • Fellowship - they clung to each other
  • Breaking of bread - they clung to Christ's death and resurrection
  • Prayed together
  • Am I doing this with the same effort and zeal that the early church was?
  • Do I cling to the teaching of the Word and doctrine? ..... kind of
  • Do I cling to other believers and their fellowship? .....sometimes - but is it healthy?
  • Do I cling to communion and what it represents? .....once a month
  • Do I pray with others? ....sometimes
I do these things now because I am forced to or in a situation where it is set up for me.  Or it is easy to...the setting of Potter's Field makes this happen for me.
  • Did I back in Pennsylvania before I came here?
  • Did I try?
  • Did I grow?
Will I now make it a priority?
Will I now make it a habit?